Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Message from Water

The story of Professor Emoto's inspirational work with water is delightfully told in this short book for children - but why should kids have all the fun? - Everybody will love this!

Please download for free and share this with all the children (of all ages) in your life.

Why not try some of the experiments in your own home? Then, come back and add your comment to tell us what results you noticed, let's share them.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Time for the Shift....

Watch this inspirational movie trailer and get involved now!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Snow and Funerals...

It all started when I showed my children the Premiere Movie Kung Fu Panda, a couple of weeks ago.

My husband's mobile rang unusually early one Wednesday morning as I was preparing the children's breakfast in the Kitchen.

Leroy and Ryan where comfortably sitting in the lounge room watching their favorite Jungle Girl... Bindi Irwin!

Dad came into the room and suggested to the boys that we had better turn the TV off, as we need to have a family talk. My first thought was, "Nana has moved on."

Paul said to the children, "Remember last time we where down in Sydney and we visited Nana? Remember she was in bed and you where playing with the controls, before we got back into the car for the long trip home?"

Both boys nodded their heads waiting for the next piece of news.

"Well, Nanna died in her sleep last night. Do you know what that means?"

Leroy, our 5 year old piped up and said... "So Nana has gone to where the Turtle went in Kung Fu Panda, she has gone to heaven!"

"Yes," we both agreed, and we all had a little cuddle.

We tried calling Paul's sister, but she was busy doing midwife duties with new puppies, so we had to wait for her to call us back to break the news. Next, we would hear when the funeral date had been fixed, and then we could plan how we all could get to Sydney for family support.

It is so freeing not to be tied to a job where people expect you to turn up everyday and work. Neither Paul nor I have worked in a regular job for years. I so enjoy living in the moment, and that at the ring of a phone, we can drop everything and choose to go somewhere.

The funeral was to be on Monday. We had decided to stay at their granddad, "Poppy Merv's" on Sunday night and, because it was school holidays, we would travel on to Goulburn to stay with Leroy and Ryan's cousins.

That would allow Leroy to go have his Little Ninja belt exam on the Saturday and still leave time for us to pack our "Fun Bus" ready for the drive to Sydney on the Sunday.

The funeral was fit for a Queen, I was so grateful my step-father-in-law was present, because when young Ryan (3years) got stoppy, he took him out of the church on a safari searching for yellow cars.

Neither of our children had seen real snow, so we decided that because Goulburn was so close to the snow, we would load the fun bus up with the 5 cousins and take them all down to Perisher and go tobogganing for the day.

What fun we had!

We went shopping for snow gear in all the local charity shops. Coming from the Gold Coast, our boardshorts and singlets where not going to help us out very much against the cold wind. We all managed to get a ski outfit, beanie, and gloves; so all we had to hire was a small outfit for Ryan, everyone's snow boots ...and 5 toboggans!

Three hours drive to get to Cooma, where we hired the gear from. The owner of the shop was a lovely fellow. We told him the last time we had been to the snow was a week after the Thredbo disaster. He then told us a story about how his was the first business they contacted, at around 1am after the slide, for gear for the rescuers.

He even had a plaque on the wall noting appreciation of the assistance given at that time. 11 years ago..... How time flies.

That was back when I was in "tick tock" mode. Working "8.30 to 5," ha! More like leaving home at 7am and getting home at 9pm, back in the days of working for a boss.

Life is so much easier now, not having strict time frames. Helping other people learn that there is enough for everyone.

It is not about being super rich; it is about being free to do what you want, when you want. Life is about what you experience.

To watch the joy of your kids' first experience of snow. Watching Ryan slide down the hill on his toboggan, then come back up the hill and attempt to do it standing up like a surfer, ...yeah. Building a snowman, feeling the icy wind on your face as you walk around the snow fields. That is life.

Watching your kids see 4 day old puppies and how gentle and quiet they become.

I am so grateful that I have stuck to my guns and kept moving toward my dream, till now that dream is my reality.

All the hard work is now behind me. Now I get to show others my experience and what they can do with it.

Today we booked our ext holiday - to Fiji with 18 others - are there any other mums and dads who would like to come hang out in Fiji with us, all meals, airfares, accommodation, and children's activities included in the price? Anyone up for 10 days of no cooking, no cleaning, no washing... just relaxing?

Pass me the champagne!

Leanne Cane

Monday, June 16, 2008

How inspirational is this!!

Here's another reason why I love Steve Zuckerman - just received this....

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Announcing: One Person at a Time

Introducing the Empowered Fundraising ...

One Person at A Time


Where we help EVERYBODY who joins the program until they reach a Dynamic Recurring Income of $1,000 or more every month...

That's right, we help you until you reach an income of at least $1,000 per month, and then we focus on the next person in line, then the next, and the next... and so on.

This is one of the ways we are helping to empower the world... One Person at a Time

First - a paradigm shift ~

We believe that citing reasons of lack, neediness, desperate circumstances, self-sacrifice, and so on is unhealthy; and that using those reasons as grounds to award assistance is rewarding unhealthy achievements... there is far too much of that in the world today.

Making heroes of losers, encouraging people to brag about their ineptness as financial managers, whatever... We say ENOUGH!!

Let's instead reward people for joyous reasons, how much fun, happiness, healing, learning and laughter they can bring to the world by sharing their gifts fully and freely in the way they want - just because they want it.

You do NOT have to enter a "neediness competition," or "deserve" or "justify" why we should help you... because we believe that every person on the planet already has a right to financial empowerment.

It doesn't matter if you have got yourself into dire circumstances such as these, just don't tell us about it... you have joyful reasons too, so you can tell us those if you feel you'd like to.

For our part, we don't require any reason from you at all! It's enough that you are one of the beautiful souls sharing our journey on this planet... and you are willing to accept.

Now, please understand, the income does not stop at $1,000 per month. However, once you reach that level, there is a certain momentum, and you will no longer need help in getting started. With time, your income can grow to whatever amount you decide... yes, even millions (seriously). However, we will be joyously helping many, many more people get their start while your income is still growing.

What do you have to do to secure YOUR place in the One Person At A Time program? Just one thing. Simply get in line. That's right, join the programs to "bags" your spot, keep it, and your turn will come. It's that easy!

All for one and one for all...

And it's a win-win situation, because by joining in the program, you are also helping other people in the line to get their start as well - you give a little and it comes back to you many times over...

It's people power - people helping people in a spirit of open hearted joy, fun and love.

Here's how it works...

· We have simply selected a number of ethical online businesses that offer a leveraged, profit-sharing commission or rebate to their members

· Placed them in order of easiness to start

· And used the concept of "collective participation" to ensure that everyone's participation is magnified (leveraged) by everyone else's, so that all benefit

· One at a time, in chronological order, until

· It's inescapable... the momentum of growth perpetuates the result, and everyone benefits

So: Are you in?

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Elanora Community Garden - new blog launched

One person who never ceases to amaze me is Leanne Cane... She has so much energy I can't keep up with her!

Today she has launched a new blog called Elanora Community Garden, where she plans to post items of interest to her community - Elanora, on Queensland's lovely Gold Coast.

Why am I telling you this? So you can...
  • Check it out and add a comment - even if you are not a local resident - you have experience, knowledge, contacts and opinions which may be helpful ...
  • See what people are doing with the free blogging facilities available online
  • Offer your support - use your voice in a way that will be heard - for any local proposal, development, or environmental project put forward for comment; before it's too late to do anything about it other than complain...
  • Be inspired and start something similar for your own community, or some other special interest that you feel strongly about
  • Realise that together we can make a difference...
To your "Empowered Community," Leanne... !!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

What Has Tim Robbins' Suppressed Speech to Do With Us...?

I just received a heads up from Steve Zuckerman over at ZENtertainment, along with access to a highly controversial speech that was never supposed to be made public...

Curiosity aroused, I went ahead and listened to one of the most inspiring six minutes I've heard in a long time. As keynote speaker to the National Association of Broadcasters' shindig in Las Vegas, Robbins took full advantage of the moment to speak out against the Broadcast Industry focus on the "tawdry and demeaning," according to the Advertising Age.

However, what shocks me most and is the biggest wake up call of all is the fact that such a speech would ever be censored or considered controversial in the first place! Hats off to Tim Robbins...

Listen to Tim Robbins' speech here - although he is targeting the NAB, we are the voracious public that the NAB is feeding, so let's just start getting picky about our media diets!

It's time to stand up and be counted on the important issues that shape our lives and those of our children. I'd love to know what you think about this, so add your comments, please...

Monday, April 7, 2008

Choir of Angels on Tour...

If you've wondered about My Power Mall, and how much of what they preach (about changing the world and helping children) is actually put into practice, here's an excerpt from a message I received from Ginny this morning...

..."Before I tell you some about the last few days I want to tell all our new members that THIS is why we exist. Yes, we have created a powerful business for you to gain financial freedom but the bigger purpose is that My Power Mall is the vehicle we use through my bigger company, Together We Can Change The World, Inc., to help non-profits and people all over the world. You see, I really do happen to believe that TOGETHER we can change the world! While we help 1000's of Non-Profits through My Power Mall, and will help hundreds of thousands more in the future, as a company we have adopted an orphanage in Uganda and are doing everything we can to help the children there. Part of that involved bringing the SIFA Choir over. Take a look at these wonderful children!

I could write for days about the horrors and suffering these children have experienced as their parents have died of AIDS, as they have struggled to survive, and of the burdens they carry daily. I could also write for days of the struggles Carrie & Jamie, the two Americans who went to Uganda to bring them here, overcame as they worked to get Passports and VISAs for the children and the 3 Ugandan chaperones who are with them. I took Carrie & Jamie out for dinner last night and was astonished at how diffiicult it was to get the Choir out of the country - and equally amazed at the incredible things that happened to make it possible."....

Unfortunately, Ginny's article is too long to post in its entirety here, but it brought tears to my eyes as I shared the story of these children...

Friday, April 4, 2008

Scary Statistics

Did you know....??

...Recent statistics indicate 25% of Australian families now have a member receiving "Carer" benefits - this means they are living on less than $300 per week, while caring full-time for a sick or disabled loved one. This was reported at a fundraising breakfast at the fabulous Versace resort on Queensland's Gold Coast yesterday morning...

... and Rick Matthews of Fortune 5 Minutes sent me this chilling piece:

..." 28 Million Americans are on food stamps as of March 2008.
Highest level in the USA, ever ... so far!

US homeowners who are suffering as a result of scandals
too numerous to mention here, well, according to the Govt,
they can use food stamps to buy cake at discount bread stores!

But the US Government deems it more important to
use Your income tax money to bail out Wall Street firms!
Their investments failed or were reduced by insider fraud.
Their prinicpals bailed out with multiple millions ... to go.
And yes, they said, we would like fries with that!"...

Now, I do not want to jump right on that negative bandwagon, you already know where it is heading.

What I want to do is emphasise that we are not helpless victims here, we are not powerless; and there are steps we all can take to empower ourselves (and the people and organizations we care about) to become financially independent.

New My Power Mall member, Jewel Burbidge, Queensland AU, had this to say:

..."Thank you so much for your "Welcome" e-mail. I am looking forward to running with this whole concept ASAP.

In fact, I've already started.........just love My Power Mall. We've got a formal family wedding coming up so I'm having a ball trawling through tuxedoes and gowns, etc. So far, I've found J C Penney to be the best value. And what about the optical prices?!!!!! My son and grandson's contact lenses cost them $300 twice a year. That's $1200 per annum. Through MPM I can get them, freight included, for under half that annual rate. Fantastic!!!! "...

On the surface, these may appear to be unrelated pieces of information, but the thing is this - Fortune 5 Minutes and My Power Mall are both actively supporting Empowered Fundraising's efforts to enrich and empower YOUR life... Who'd have thought that merely by shopping for things you 1) have to buy anyway, you could 2) save money, 3) get paid, AND 4) make a difference in people's lives all around the world?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

How music can provide sponsorship for your project, support independent musicians, and create financial freedom for all of you...!

My friend Greg Percifield, founder of Music Forte, shared this letter with me... it's worth taking a few minutes to read, especially if you are a musician...

The "Underground" World of Music Forte

"The other day, I received another email from Music Forte stating that I had earned a new commission. I didn't think much of it at the time, because I've built a fairly nice group, and I'm accustomed to receiving those emails. A few days later, I was checking my commission report, and I noticed a grave error. Their reporting showed that I had earned $47 from referring just one member.

At first I thought this was great! But then I started wondering how Music Forte could pay out that much money on just one referral. It didn't make sense. I've seen enough companies struggle or fail because they hadn't balanced their books well.

I have to say, I've enjoyed Music Forte. I've received a lot of great music. I am happy with the CD I received, and to reiterate, I have grown a nice downline. So I was concerned enough that I wrote an email to their support team. As much as I didn't want to lose that hefty commission, I thought they should be made aware of this error that they were making.

I sent an email to find out what was going on. To my surprise, there was no error in the calculation. I had actually earned $47 from one referral, and Music Forte had earned money as well. On top of that, Music Forte was even helping me with my own personal business, and they weren't charging me any additional money.

Before I get too excited, let me slow down and tell you what it is I do. I will not get into the small details of my job, because it wouldn't be right for Music Forte to promote my business to people that have been invited to the program from a different sponsor. With that said, I run a "coaching" service. I have my own website from which I gather leads. On top of that I have organized several audio collections that are presented in my training eBooks.

A few months ago, I decided to create a CD. I visited the Music Forte forums and learned that I could create professional CDs (with bar code, shrink wrap, and laser printing on the disc) for less than $2.00 per unit. On top of that I was able to produce the CDs in small volume. Since I wasn't sure how well they would sell I ordered 10 CDs. When they arrived to my home, I was overly impressed with the great work. They really look professional. I had no idea that it could be done for such a small amount of money.

I was excited now, and wanted to start selling. I remembered that Music Forte's Gold Plan was included in my Platinum subscription. Once again, I was venturing into the unknown. I didn't even know if Music Forte would accept my CD. Like I said, my CD was spoken training material; not music. but you never know what you can get until you ask.

Music Forte would not only help me to sell my CD, but they also advertise it at, Google Products, and their own site. Still I had my reservations. How would people find it? And once they did, would they even want it?

I do not know all the details about how Music Forte promotes their products, but I do know that within the first week of sending my CDs to Music Forte, I sold three!

This is the important part you need to pay close attention to. By adding a CD to my Music Forte profile, I nearly quintupled my regular commission! Turning $10 into $47 is very hefty increase. You really owe it to yourself to understand how this works.

Here is my take on it, broken down by components of the commission earned:

1. Music Forte pays bonuses each week to the top 2 members who referred the most for each and every week. If you haven't noticed this, be sure to pay attention to the email updates that are sent around Monday or Tuesday of each week. I'm proud to say that I was the first place winner once! For that I earned a $25 bonus.

2. As you already know, $10 is paid out for each direct referral. Now my earnings jumped to $35.

3. When I signed up at Music Forte, I remember choosing a CD from the registration page. Apparently this area of the site has been upgraded. The way it works now presents the sponsor's CD (that would be mine, in this case) to the members I refer as their first option for their CD Bonus Gift. I also happened to notice that a preview track is played for the other possible selections. This is going to make new members happy, because they'll be sure they receive the music that they like. But back to ME! :) I priced my CD at $15. Music Forte keeps $3 from each sale. With that $12, my earnings just jumped from $35 to $47.

And then I realized it got even better!

At my coaching website, I had also put the CD on sale. I want to make money wherever I can. What can I say? I'm an ambitious person. During that same week, I had also sold a CD from my own website. I wasn't really prepared for the sale. I had set myself up with PayPal to process the sale. Like I said earlier, I was moving into unfamiliar territory. Nonetheless, there were not any obstacles that interfered with me moving ahead. I simply went to Walgreens and purchased a CD mailer. I went home and wrote out the address of the person who was receiving it. I took it to the post office, and they weighed it and charged me almost $2.00. In total, I had spent roughly $4.00 and approximately one hour of time, to get this CD properly shipped. You see where I'm going with this?

I was making more money and saving more time by using Music Forte's service. Additionally, customers at Music Forte could purchase with any credit card, instead of being restricted to PayPal, like they were on my own site. Best of all, I was turning over my business and growing my business that was not focused on Music Forte (but rather building a network in general), and their fulfillment team was doing all of the "grunt" work for me!

At the end of that day, I was so excited about these new discoveries I had made, that I just got into a "Googling" mode to see what else I could find to help my business.

As it turned out, my seminar was now listed on the first page of Google as a search result provided by Music Forte. Mind you that the seminar name was not the most competitive keyword that people search for. However, Music Forte got it to the top so quickly. My own site was reporting the seminar on page 4 which had climbed up from a page 27. I know about linking strategies, and I have no doubt that the links I placed on my Music Forte profile page played a large part in giving my other business a much needed boost in rankings.

To wrap it all up, I need to go back to my initial concern.

How does Music Forte do this without losing money? From what I learned, they are processing hundreds of orders per week. They maintain an online storefront with over 300,000 products of which the majority of products are not tied in with the affiliate program. So the money given away as a weekly bonus, may be a loss, but a small one, and well worth the initiative to refer members, which helps us all. The $10 bonus is offset by the one-time join fee of $30. The $12 I received for the CD is also offset by that join fee. So Music Forte made $8 from my referral, minus a few bucks I imagine they spend for shipping and handling. My concern was resolved. Music Forte was making money, I was making more money than I ever had, and spending less effort thanks to their Gold Plan fulfillment service, which was a free add-on to my Platinum Plan subscription.

Bottom line is that I made $47 from a referral, while improving greatly with my other business and you can do the same! If there is any part of the above that did not make sense, please go back and read it again. This is the best opportunity I have found in a long time, and being excited about it as I am, I hope that you will not miss out on the incredible potential we all have. Thank you very much Music Forte! Your services have helped me in more ways than I had ever imagined they would."... end of letter.

One thing the writer forgot to mention was the ongoing monthly income they receive for every member who is part of their group... and this is far and away the largest of the four income streams Platinum Plan members receive!