Sunday, May 4, 2008

Elanora Community Garden - new blog launched

One person who never ceases to amaze me is Leanne Cane... She has so much energy I can't keep up with her!

Today she has launched a new blog called Elanora Community Garden, where she plans to post items of interest to her community - Elanora, on Queensland's lovely Gold Coast.

Why am I telling you this? So you can...
  • Check it out and add a comment - even if you are not a local resident - you have experience, knowledge, contacts and opinions which may be helpful ...
  • See what people are doing with the free blogging facilities available online
  • Offer your support - use your voice in a way that will be heard - for any local proposal, development, or environmental project put forward for comment; before it's too late to do anything about it other than complain...
  • Be inspired and start something similar for your own community, or some other special interest that you feel strongly about
  • Realise that together we can make a difference...
To your "Empowered Community," Leanne... !!

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