Thursday, April 17, 2008

What Has Tim Robbins' Suppressed Speech to Do With Us...?

I just received a heads up from Steve Zuckerman over at ZENtertainment, along with access to a highly controversial speech that was never supposed to be made public...

Curiosity aroused, I went ahead and listened to one of the most inspiring six minutes I've heard in a long time. As keynote speaker to the National Association of Broadcasters' shindig in Las Vegas, Robbins took full advantage of the moment to speak out against the Broadcast Industry focus on the "tawdry and demeaning," according to the Advertising Age.

However, what shocks me most and is the biggest wake up call of all is the fact that such a speech would ever be censored or considered controversial in the first place! Hats off to Tim Robbins...

Listen to Tim Robbins' speech here - although he is targeting the NAB, we are the voracious public that the NAB is feeding, so let's just start getting picky about our media diets!

It's time to stand up and be counted on the important issues that shape our lives and those of our children. I'd love to know what you think about this, so add your comments, please...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more with Tim Robbins' admonishment of the media. Just today the focus was on tracking Glen Wheatley's ride home from gaol in a luxury car to home detention - 3 helicopters, no less! A millionaire businessman gets caught for tax evasion, goes to gaol, gets let out early and goes home. And they call that news??