Thursday, May 22, 2008

Announcing: One Person at a Time

Introducing the Empowered Fundraising ...

One Person at A Time


Where we help EVERYBODY who joins the program until they reach a Dynamic Recurring Income of $1,000 or more every month...

That's right, we help you until you reach an income of at least $1,000 per month, and then we focus on the next person in line, then the next, and the next... and so on.

This is one of the ways we are helping to empower the world... One Person at a Time

First - a paradigm shift ~

We believe that citing reasons of lack, neediness, desperate circumstances, self-sacrifice, and so on is unhealthy; and that using those reasons as grounds to award assistance is rewarding unhealthy achievements... there is far too much of that in the world today.

Making heroes of losers, encouraging people to brag about their ineptness as financial managers, whatever... We say ENOUGH!!

Let's instead reward people for joyous reasons, how much fun, happiness, healing, learning and laughter they can bring to the world by sharing their gifts fully and freely in the way they want - just because they want it.

You do NOT have to enter a "neediness competition," or "deserve" or "justify" why we should help you... because we believe that every person on the planet already has a right to financial empowerment.

It doesn't matter if you have got yourself into dire circumstances such as these, just don't tell us about it... you have joyful reasons too, so you can tell us those if you feel you'd like to.

For our part, we don't require any reason from you at all! It's enough that you are one of the beautiful souls sharing our journey on this planet... and you are willing to accept.

Now, please understand, the income does not stop at $1,000 per month. However, once you reach that level, there is a certain momentum, and you will no longer need help in getting started. With time, your income can grow to whatever amount you decide... yes, even millions (seriously). However, we will be joyously helping many, many more people get their start while your income is still growing.

What do you have to do to secure YOUR place in the One Person At A Time program? Just one thing. Simply get in line. That's right, join the programs to "bags" your spot, keep it, and your turn will come. It's that easy!

All for one and one for all...

And it's a win-win situation, because by joining in the program, you are also helping other people in the line to get their start as well - you give a little and it comes back to you many times over...

It's people power - people helping people in a spirit of open hearted joy, fun and love.

Here's how it works...

· We have simply selected a number of ethical online businesses that offer a leveraged, profit-sharing commission or rebate to their members

· Placed them in order of easiness to start

· And used the concept of "collective participation" to ensure that everyone's participation is magnified (leveraged) by everyone else's, so that all benefit

· One at a time, in chronological order, until

· It's inescapable... the momentum of growth perpetuates the result, and everyone benefits

So: Are you in?

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