Saturday, December 1, 2007

We Invite You To Add Your Name To Our List Of Beneficiaries...

That's right... Empowered Fundraising is here to help the whole world and everyone in it to achieve the level of financial freedom that will allow them to carry out their life-mission without financial constraint.

So that includes you, your group, community, charity or favorite fund... Let's face it, there are countless groups of one kind or another out there, all doing what they can to help in some small way to make the world a better place. Much as we may wish to, we cannot help everyone simply by dipping into our pockets and donating our own spare cash - that runs out long before our desire to contribute is satisfied.

Our solution to this problem is to pool the resources into cash-generating investment accounts in legitimate businesses that offer profit-sharing that is based on cash revenues generated, rather than stock market fluctuations, or perceived values, or indeed trading of their shares at all.

What this means, is that by creating a profit-sharing structure in a formal pattern, and distributing a nominated percentage of profits through that pattern, predictable cash returns can be generated. Quite simple, really - and totally devoid of the hair-raising, shirt-losing risks inherent in the stock market, lurking there for the novice and experienced alike.

So, by inviting you to participate as one of our beneficiaries, we also invite you to participate as one of our contributors. Because both positions are inherent in your membership - you invest a little, and in time you receive it back ten-fold, a hundred-fold, and eventually even more.

Let me ask you this: "If you could deposit $15 a month into a savings account, which would pay you a steadily growing return based on the number of people in the fund, and which would guarantee you a maximum return of $4,260 a month once a certain level had been reached --- would you wish to participate?"

That's what we are offering. And the more groups, charities, organizations, foundations, co-operatives, schools, you-name-its, and individual people who join, the faster the results will happen for you.

In fact, there is a Plan especially developed by Suzanne Kincaid to achieve this level of return in just 90 days - you can read all about it here. But, realistically, even if it takes longer - like six months, or even twelve months - it would be worth it, right? Remember, in the meantime, you are still receiving money every month right from from the very beginning, as it builds up to the maximum.

Please feel free to contact us direct if you have any questions, and meanwhile, we will shortly be releasing a report that describes this process in full detail. Keep your eye on this blog for details...

Interested? ...

Impatient? ...

Go here and join now to get the jump on everyone else.

To your Empowered Fundraising !!

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