Saturday, December 8, 2007

Open Letter to Anyone Needing to Raise Money for a Sick Relative

This letter is prompted by a specific request that we recently received. I am so sorry to hear of your relative's challenging time.

Here is the website address for Mark Elliott, who is achieving some amazing results with people from all around the world, including my friend, Geoff Cowan, whose testimonial you will find on Mark's website -

Love Hope Faith Foundation can assist with your loved one's physical health needs.

Empowered Fundraising can assist with your family's financial needs.

Together, we can create significant change on both fronts in as little as three months from now. In addition to that, I can support you by giving you an email message to circulate to your friends, asking them to circulate to their friends, and so on; publicising a "Help My Loved One" fund on my websites, etc. In fact, I will also open a lens on Squidoo especially for you as well, and we can really get things rolling for you.

But first, it needs for you to open an account for the funds generated to be paid into. We need you to help us to help you.

As you will understand, you must open your own membership account with Abundant Living Legacy, and we have no part of that, but it must be specifically using particular links, so that the money raised by us can also be channelled directly to you and your loved one.

Because it is a profit-sharing arrangement, and not donations, everybody who participates benefits.

The cost of opening an account is $30.00 and after that, $15 every month. Profit-sharing of the membership fees is where your money comes from. So everybody who supports you in helping your relative in this way, will stand to share in the profits as well. It's a wonderful way to heal the world's finances, one person at a time.

The $15 will eventually bring you a maximum return of over $4,000 every month, which adds up to well over $50,000 per year. You can open a second account with Music Forte's Platinum Plan and double the amount you invest to double the returns to over $100,000.

This is then ongoing income that you continue to receive for as long as you want to keep paying your two $15 memberships each month.

In addition, you can open a free Business account with My Power Mall, which will allow you to make purchases of just about anything you normally buy, any day of the week, where you will get both discounts and profit-sharing as well.

These three businesses are all owned and run by genuine, caring and committed people who are helping thousands of people from all around the world, every day of the year.

That is it in a nutshell.

Use this link to join Abundant Living Legacy. $30 to join then $15 each month.

Use this link to join Music Forte. $30 to join then $15 each month.

Use this link to join My Power Mall. Free for life - limit to ONE account only.

The combined incomes from these three plans will increase - slowly at first - from zero to eventually thousands per month and will give you the peace of mind that comes with being able to pay for your loved one's medical costs, as well as the joy of helping to improve their enjoyment of life, and so much more besides.

I will guide you step by step as you need to do things - and don't worry, there are not many. It will not be long till you start to see the power of what you have set in motion as it begins to grow.

The first step is up to you, and we will take it from there.

Please feel free to ask any questions about any of this, as it is always 100% your choice to participate or not and I know it can seem a bit confusing to begin with. I will be more than happy to help you in any way I can.

With kind regards,


Friday, December 7, 2007

How To Get Unavoidably Rich... free download

Here is a report written by Taylor Adams which outlines a superb strategy that any person or organization can utilise to make heaps of money - by practicing the ultimate form of delegation - putting your money to work for you.

Grab a copy and give it a read... then go ahead and set your money to work!

Empowered Fundraising does this!

to your empowered abundance,

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Empowered Fundraising is all about Building Financial Freedom

Here is a letter I received from Ginny Dye, founder and CEO of My Power Mall, one of the programs we recommend for people who wish to raise money for any purpose. Please read and enjoy.

If you would like to accept your free gift of your own Power Mall you can simply click on the link on this page in the right hand column under the heading "Empowered Fundraising Approved Resources" and can get your own Power Mall up and running instantly....!

Thanks Ginny, you are an inspiration to us all!

Building Financial Freedom... by Ginny Dye....

What does that mean? Well, I think it certainly means something different for everyone, but as we move past Thanksgiving and into the holiday season I would like to share what it means to me. My definition has certainly changed in the last few years.

I used to have a goal to be a millionaire. I envisioned a huge home and all the money I could ever want. I thought my worth was determined by the definition of success that so many people have crammed down my throat. Not any more.

Financial Freedom - Enough money to live comfortably and fulfill the purpose I am meant to fulfill.

I no longer dream of being a millionaire. Do I believe that I will personally generate more than a million dollars as My Power Mall grows. Certainly. It's just that I no longer dream of being a millionaire. Now I dream of GIVING millions.

Please understand that I hold no judgement for people who want to be millionaires, and I know that My Power Mall can make that happen for you. I will be happy for you.

It's just that I have personally decided that water tastes the same from a $10 goblet, rather than one that costs $100. I am happy driving an 11 year old truck and will only buy another one when this one finally dies on me. I don't need a 5,000 square foot home. I just want a warm home that is cozy, welcoming, and a great place to entertain all the people in my life. I will always bargain shop and be thankful for the sales the Hot Deals team and the Shopping Alert teams share with me. It's not that I don't like nice things, and it's not that I will not let myself enjoy some of them - it's just that I also know none of them are the path to happiness - they are a by-product!

You see, I will only feel financially free when I have first made all of you who are willing to take advantage of what we offer you with My Power Mall, financially free. That looks differently from all of you. I will never forget an email I received from a member in South America who shared that just $400 a month would make him financially free. WOW! That is true in so many countries of the world. While Americans dream of tens of thousands of dollars a month, millions of people in the world would jump for joy to have $100 a month! It would mean the difference between being hungry, or not. It would mean the difference between being cold or warm. That's why I am so committed to making My Power Mall work for all our International members - no matter where you live.

Financial freedom will mean that I can quit working 15-16 hour days. It will mean I can regain my title as the "Queen of Play" - at least for more time than I have now. :) It means I will have more free time to spend with the people I care about. It will mean I no longer have to worry about paying bills, and that I can have the "savings cushion" I dream of. See - I'm not so different from all of you! It will also mean that I can help establish orphanages all over the world. It will mean I can buy gift certificates from Grocery stores and give them to the homeless. It will mean I can help make a difference for Foster Children.

It will mean I can increase my "Envelope Crusade". :) What is the envelope crusade? I've dreamed of this for years... Each day I want to put $100 in 10 envelopes. Each envelope will hold a My Power Mall invitation card, and some motivational material. Then, as I move through my day, I will watch for people that need some help. I might be in a grocery store and see a woman who trips my "she needs help" trigger. When she is not watching, I will slip the envelope in her shopping cart. Or perhaps I will slip it in the window of a car. Or drop it on someone's front step. The key will be that it is done anonymously - simply one human being helping another. I've already begun - it's just not at the scope I dream of.

The $100 is not really the important part, though I know it will help so many people. Introducing them to My Power Mall and letting them know someone out there cares about them and is aware of their struggle is what truly matters. Can you imagine what the world would be like if hundreds of thousands of people did that - even if you could only give away one envelope a month - and even if it held less than $100?

As you work to build Financial Freedom with My Power Mall, decide just what Financial Freedom is for you.

Create a LIFE for yourself - not just money in the bank. Create a LEGACY of what you have given the world - not just an impressive ledger sheet. Create RELATIONSHIPS - not a definition of yourself as a workaholic. Use My Power Mall to empower you to be all you're meant to be, and to give all you're meant to give!

Ginny Dye - PowerMall CEO

Saturday, December 1, 2007

We Invite You To Add Your Name To Our List Of Beneficiaries...

That's right... Empowered Fundraising is here to help the whole world and everyone in it to achieve the level of financial freedom that will allow them to carry out their life-mission without financial constraint.

So that includes you, your group, community, charity or favorite fund... Let's face it, there are countless groups of one kind or another out there, all doing what they can to help in some small way to make the world a better place. Much as we may wish to, we cannot help everyone simply by dipping into our pockets and donating our own spare cash - that runs out long before our desire to contribute is satisfied.

Our solution to this problem is to pool the resources into cash-generating investment accounts in legitimate businesses that offer profit-sharing that is based on cash revenues generated, rather than stock market fluctuations, or perceived values, or indeed trading of their shares at all.

What this means, is that by creating a profit-sharing structure in a formal pattern, and distributing a nominated percentage of profits through that pattern, predictable cash returns can be generated. Quite simple, really - and totally devoid of the hair-raising, shirt-losing risks inherent in the stock market, lurking there for the novice and experienced alike.

So, by inviting you to participate as one of our beneficiaries, we also invite you to participate as one of our contributors. Because both positions are inherent in your membership - you invest a little, and in time you receive it back ten-fold, a hundred-fold, and eventually even more.

Let me ask you this: "If you could deposit $15 a month into a savings account, which would pay you a steadily growing return based on the number of people in the fund, and which would guarantee you a maximum return of $4,260 a month once a certain level had been reached --- would you wish to participate?"

That's what we are offering. And the more groups, charities, organizations, foundations, co-operatives, schools, you-name-its, and individual people who join, the faster the results will happen for you.

In fact, there is a Plan especially developed by Suzanne Kincaid to achieve this level of return in just 90 days - you can read all about it here. But, realistically, even if it takes longer - like six months, or even twelve months - it would be worth it, right? Remember, in the meantime, you are still receiving money every month right from from the very beginning, as it builds up to the maximum.

Please feel free to contact us direct if you have any questions, and meanwhile, we will shortly be releasing a report that describes this process in full detail. Keep your eye on this blog for details...

Interested? ...

Impatient? ...

Go here and join now to get the jump on everyone else.

To your Empowered Fundraising !!