Sunday, October 7, 2007

Charity Begins at Home… A New Look at 5,000 Year Old Principles of Empowered Fundraising for Breast Cancer

“…In the event of a sudden loss of oxygen from the cabin, a mask will drop down from the overhead panel above you…”

How many times have you spaced out during the safety procedure preceding an airline flight? Probably more times than you care to count, if you’ve done much flying. However, one of those instructions is of critical importance…

“…put on your own oxygen mask first before attending to children and other passengers.” No points for guessing why.

The thing is this: The exact same principle applies to any area of life where we may be called upon to assist others; including with money, fundraising, and even personal finances.

If you want to help somebody financially, by organising or participating in fundraising events for some charity or special purpose, why not do it the easy way and just write them a check for the amount they need?

Don’t tell me. Let me guess… could it be because, truth be told, you need the money almost as much as the ones you are raising it for?

Fact is, according to research statistics, this would be a true statement for 95% of the world’s entire population at any given moment, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself secretly agreeing…

Here’s where the “teach a man to fish” principle is lacking. It’s only half the solution.

Here’s the thing: Once you have got hold of your “fish” (whether you caught it or somebody gave it to you), you need to know what to do with it, or all you will really have is a dead fish. Even if you did catch it yourself, if you cannot cook it, you’ll get better results by giving it away!

Money’s just the same.

So when I say “Charity begins at home,” I mean that you must first take care of your own needs before giving away your resources to other people. Too much injudicious giving, no matter how well-intentioned, will result in you turning up in the handout line yourself.

What’s more, you will be at the wrong end of it.

So how do you satisfy your need to do your bit to help the world and still take proper care of yourself and your family?

Probably the simplest way I know of, is actually an adaptation of the principles contained in George S. Clason’s classic “The Richest Man In Babylon,” which includes the heartwarming (true) tale of Professor Shrewsbury’s financial redemption from crippling debt.

Would you like a way to:

  1. Start thy purse to fattening
  2. Control thy expenditures
  3. Make thy gold multiply
  4. Guard thy treasures from loss
  5. Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment
  6. Insure thy future income, and
  7. Increase thy ability to earn …?

How wouldst thou like to have all 7 of these elements rolled into one powerful, yet simple, step that is “turbo-charged” to deal with today’s rapid pace, and the need for ever more money to keep ahead of thy rising costs?

How wouldst thou like to benefit both thyself AND thy favorite charity at the exact same time, from the exact same effort?

And how wouldst thou like to spend just a fraction of the time thou spendest now on fundraising activities, and at a fraction of the cost; yet multiply thy results many times over?

Here’s a simple solution, and your chance to benefit from age-old wisdom in a thoroughly modern way, for just a dollar a day. Answer this:

Are you currently earning over $50,000 cash income per year from an investment (not work) of only $15 per month?

Are you willing to donate $15 per month for your charity to receive a matching $50,000+ per annum donation from you?

This is what I’m doing in support of “Breast Health,” and if you get involved, you’ll be helping them too - (.)(.) - for which they thank you!

Karen Adams © 2007 Passionate about supporting women’s "Breast Health". For more information, and details about how easily you can help, please complete your details in the form at the top right of this page.

breast cancer awareness,breast cancer cure.breast cancer research,breast health,fundraising,fund raising,fundraising event,donate to charity,Karen Adams,Richest Man in Babylon,George S Clason

1 comment:

InVeStworks Oz said...

This is a fantastic article - great point! We'd all LOVE to support charity more, but often feel we just don't have much to give. Fix MY cashflow first, then work on the rest of the world - how refreshing!
InVeStworks Oz - find out how we start charity at home