Monday, October 15, 2007

Blog Action Day

Blog Action Day is an initiative of a blogger from Sydney, Australia and it's - yep TODAY!!

The concept is a simple one - bloggers around the world unite and for one day, October 15, 2007, all post blog messages supporting environmental issues. The purpose of this is to raise awareness of the need for environmental responsibility on a global scale...

It's not only governments and big business (although it definitely IS them!) it s also about individuals like you and me and not only our awareness, but also our desire, motivation and commitment to DOING what we can to make a difference.

Even if we just do one thing less that damages the environment, and adopt that change into our lifestyle, it will make a difference.

Some 14,000 or more blog owners have signed on for this exercise, and probably hundreds of thousands of people will be reading and commenting on those blogs.

So rather than me prattling on telling you how to suck eggs, I'm inviting you to comment and let us all know what one change you would choose to make that will positively impact on the environment...

Me, I'm turning off my computer right now and going to have a day in the beautiful sunshine, away from emails, websites, blogs and ...oh well, maybe I'll turn off the air conditioner instead... :)


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