Friday, October 19, 2007

It was HUUUUUGE...!!

Funy how things happen... my previous post on Blog Action Day was only half written when my system crashed, so I really did spend the day away from the computer... Is this another case of "be careful what you wish for?"... However, back to my point.

Well over 20,000 blogs from huge corporations to tiny individuals like me all joined in the fun. Check out Collis's website for results, and the following that I found in my Blogger login page...

In honor of Blog Action Day, we wanted to highlight some of the many Blogger-powered blogs that are focused on the environment, climate change, and sustainability. Want to see more Blog Action Day participants from around the web? Find them on Blog Search.
  • Cleantech Blog - Commentary on technologies, news, and issues relating to next generation energy and the environment.
  • The Conscious Earth - Earth-centered news for the health of air, water, habitat and the fight against global warming.
  • Earth Meanders - Earth essays placing environmental sustainability within the context of other contemporary issues.
  • Environmental Action Blog - Current environmental issues and green energy news.
  • The Future is Green - Thoughts on the coming of a society that is in balance with nature.
  • The Green Skeptic - Devoted to challenging assumptions about how we live on the earth and protect our environment.
  • Haute*Nature - Ecologically based creative ideas, art & green products for your children, home and lifestyle, blending style with sustainability.
  • The Lazy Environmentalist - Sustainable living made easy.
  • Lights Out America - A grassroots community group organizing nationwide energy savings events.
  • The Nature Writers of Texas - The best nature writing from the newspaper, magazine, blog and book authors of the Lone Star State.
  • Rachel Carson Centennial Book Club - Considering the legacy of Rachel Carson's literary and scientific contributions with a different book each month.
  • Sustainablog - News, information and personal meanderings related to environmental and economic sustainability, green and sustainable business, and environmental politics.
  • These Come From Trees - An experiment in environmentalism, viral marketing, and user interface design with the goal of reducing consumer waste paper.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Blog Action Day

Blog Action Day is an initiative of a blogger from Sydney, Australia and it's - yep TODAY!!

The concept is a simple one - bloggers around the world unite and for one day, October 15, 2007, all post blog messages supporting environmental issues. The purpose of this is to raise awareness of the need for environmental responsibility on a global scale...

It's not only governments and big business (although it definitely IS them!) it s also about individuals like you and me and not only our awareness, but also our desire, motivation and commitment to DOING what we can to make a difference.

Even if we just do one thing less that damages the environment, and adopt that change into our lifestyle, it will make a difference.

Some 14,000 or more blog owners have signed on for this exercise, and probably hundreds of thousands of people will be reading and commenting on those blogs.

So rather than me prattling on telling you how to suck eggs, I'm inviting you to comment and let us all know what one change you would choose to make that will positively impact on the environment...

Me, I'm turning off my computer right now and going to have a day in the beautiful sunshine, away from emails, websites, blogs and ...oh well, maybe I'll turn off the air conditioner instead... :)


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

In support of which I have launched my complementary "Breast Health" Awareness campaign. If you would like to support women's health issues, and especially Breast Health Awareness, please complete the form on the right to discover more about what we are doing and how easily you can help.

We (.)(.) thank you.
Yours in the breast of health...
Karen Adams © 2007

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Charity Begins at Home… A New Look at 5,000 Year Old Principles of Empowered Fundraising for Breast Cancer

“…In the event of a sudden loss of oxygen from the cabin, a mask will drop down from the overhead panel above you…”

How many times have you spaced out during the safety procedure preceding an airline flight? Probably more times than you care to count, if you’ve done much flying. However, one of those instructions is of critical importance…

“…put on your own oxygen mask first before attending to children and other passengers.” No points for guessing why.

The thing is this: The exact same principle applies to any area of life where we may be called upon to assist others; including with money, fundraising, and even personal finances.

If you want to help somebody financially, by organising or participating in fundraising events for some charity or special purpose, why not do it the easy way and just write them a check for the amount they need?

Don’t tell me. Let me guess… could it be because, truth be told, you need the money almost as much as the ones you are raising it for?

Fact is, according to research statistics, this would be a true statement for 95% of the world’s entire population at any given moment, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself secretly agreeing…

Here’s where the “teach a man to fish” principle is lacking. It’s only half the solution.

Here’s the thing: Once you have got hold of your “fish” (whether you caught it or somebody gave it to you), you need to know what to do with it, or all you will really have is a dead fish. Even if you did catch it yourself, if you cannot cook it, you’ll get better results by giving it away!

Money’s just the same.

So when I say “Charity begins at home,” I mean that you must first take care of your own needs before giving away your resources to other people. Too much injudicious giving, no matter how well-intentioned, will result in you turning up in the handout line yourself.

What’s more, you will be at the wrong end of it.

So how do you satisfy your need to do your bit to help the world and still take proper care of yourself and your family?

Probably the simplest way I know of, is actually an adaptation of the principles contained in George S. Clason’s classic “The Richest Man In Babylon,” which includes the heartwarming (true) tale of Professor Shrewsbury’s financial redemption from crippling debt.

Would you like a way to:

  1. Start thy purse to fattening
  2. Control thy expenditures
  3. Make thy gold multiply
  4. Guard thy treasures from loss
  5. Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment
  6. Insure thy future income, and
  7. Increase thy ability to earn …?

How wouldst thou like to have all 7 of these elements rolled into one powerful, yet simple, step that is “turbo-charged” to deal with today’s rapid pace, and the need for ever more money to keep ahead of thy rising costs?

How wouldst thou like to benefit both thyself AND thy favorite charity at the exact same time, from the exact same effort?

And how wouldst thou like to spend just a fraction of the time thou spendest now on fundraising activities, and at a fraction of the cost; yet multiply thy results many times over?

Here’s a simple solution, and your chance to benefit from age-old wisdom in a thoroughly modern way, for just a dollar a day. Answer this:

Are you currently earning over $50,000 cash income per year from an investment (not work) of only $15 per month?

Are you willing to donate $15 per month for your charity to receive a matching $50,000+ per annum donation from you?

This is what I’m doing in support of “Breast Health,” and if you get involved, you’ll be helping them too - (.)(.) - for which they thank you!

Karen Adams © 2007 Passionate about supporting women’s "Breast Health". For more information, and details about how easily you can help, please complete your details in the form at the top right of this page.

breast cancer awareness,breast cancer cure.breast cancer research,breast health,fundraising,fund raising,fundraising event,donate to charity,Karen Adams,Richest Man in Babylon,George S Clason

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Empowered Fundraising - How to Raise Money for any Person, Community Group or Charity - Without Asking for Donations

Ask any person needing to raise funds out of nowhere how they plan to do it and they’ll invariably come up with a list of ideas which all involve asking people to donate in one way or another – be it time, money, goods, or any combination of those.

How many lamingtons, raffle tickets and door knock appeals have you paid for that had nothing to do with raising money for something? None, right? I don’t know about you, but much as I’d like to help, I really get tired of people asking for donations.

Whether you are raising funds for a sick person who needs treatment, a sporting group that wants to travel to a competitive event, or a charity you believe in, it is difficult to get away from the need to ask people to donate.

In fact, the reason for this article is because rashly I offered to host a pink ribbon “Girls’ Night In” to raise funds for “Breast Health” (no WAAAY will I support breast cancer!) and found myself a little stumped, because I have only recently moved to this state and do not yet know many people I can invite or ask to participate.

So how can I follow through and raise a meaningful contribution?

As I thought about it, I thought of other ways I’d like to help the community or the world.

  • Surf Life Savers
  • WWF, Pandas and other endangered species
  • Amnesty International, Red Cross
  • A lady I saw on the news who cares for animals injured on the roads – and other stories on TV about people who need help
  • Parents, Children, Grandchildren
  • Seniors and Disabled
  • Support "breast health" and other women’s health issues
  • Clean environment
  • so many more...!

You’ll have your own list… People everywhere want money.

I want to do something to help them all in the long term so they don’t have to suffer the indignities of continually putting their hands out asking for money.

You see, although I want to help, I have a bit of a problem with just donating. I think the handout mentality is disempowering and “unhealthy” for both individuals and groups. Far better to help them to become financially empowered, so they can be self-funding and independent.

Then I came across a story online that caught my eye. I sat up and took notice.

Fundraisers: How would you like to generate a decent amount of money like $50,000 or $100,000 per year? How could you possibly do that without asking people for donations and a lot of work?

Well, it can be done. No donations and no work required.

I read about charities,non-profits, disabled people, and even events, in parts of the USA, Canada and the UK, which are all being funded using an adaptation of the principles detailed in the book “Financial Freedom on $1 a Day” by Suzanne Kincaid. Nobody is being asked to donate, yet they are generating considerable incomes. It’s even working in New Zealand.

Then it hit me like a blinding flash of the obvious. An epiphany of sorts, where it all fell into place so simply.

Yet would it work for Breast Health? …Did I even have the guts to try?

Would we be willing to support Breast Health fundraising in this way?

Because although this concept does not rely at all donations; it does rely completely on participation. Individual participation that benefits the whole, where you are asked to spend a small amount of money on a regular basis for the good of the group - while you yourself get the benefit of that purchase.

Sort of like a “modern-day” version of the old multi-level or network marketing idea, where profit sharing occurs, yet with the “big difference” being that these days, it is done online and nobody has to go selling soap powder, or cosmetics, or anything at all, to their friends.

It is simply the strategy of utilising a profit-sharing membership subscription, in return for which the participant receives online goods and services, free advertising of their own business, free web page, ebooks, music – including free songs you can download anytime you want, online courses and more, including a share in the revenues generated by the members, and even the option to sell your own products.

These people are raising some serious money.

So let me ask you… Would you be willing to support “Breast Health” and/or any other beneficiary of your choice by joining a membership that you even stand to profit from yourself?

If you asked me that question, my response would be two questions; “What do I have to do?” and “How would I profit?”

So here’s what you need to do

  1. Purchase a membership subscription for $15 joining fee and $15 per month, or two subscriptions for $30 joining fees and $30 per month – that’s $1 a day
  2. Maintain this subscription for twelve months, or until it is self-funding and requires no further cash input from you – no commitment, you are free to cancel at any time, but in order to benefit the group and yourself best, you need to give it time to grow
  3. That’s it – no further action required from you

And here’s how you profit

  1. Part of the joining fee is paid via profit sharing back to the members
  2. Part of the monthly subscription revenue is paid via profit sharing back to the members up to a maximum of over $4,000 a month per member, or double that for two subscriptions
  3. If you’re in business, you can generate additional profits by selling your own goods or services on your member’s web page and keep the full 100%
  4. You can advertise your own online or offline business for free and keep 100% of all sales generated in this way

Being based in the US, the above figures are all US dollars, so the amounts will fluctuate around 20% more in Australian dollars.

I’m aiming to get as many people and groups involved as possible and everyone who participates gets their own profit-share as well. It is a huge win-win all round. The entire community can benefit from participating.

If you have a group, special purpose, or charity you’d like to raise funds for, or even if you need more money for yourself, I will be happy to help you or tell you what you need to know to organise your own fund. The beauty is, rather than competing, we can each benefit from joining forces and helping each other.

Breast Health aside, show me a family that could not use an extra income these days?

Karen Adams © 2007